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3 Tips: Building and Maintaining Relationships with the Media

  1. Be Responsive: Respond promptly to media inquiries and requests for information. Even if you don’t have all the information, acknowledge their request and respond the best you can.
  2. Establish Trust: Build trust with reporters by being honest, transparent and reliable. Don’t gatekeep! Avoid withholding information unnecessarily and be truthful about any limitations on what you can share.
  3. Facilitate Access: Reporters and photographers want access to active scenes or wherever there is a story to be told. Help them to get the elements they need to tell the story by arranging interviews, providing background information and holding press briefings.

As a police, fire, school or town official – the media is there to help you get your information out accurately and in a timely manner.

Sign up for Public Relations and Media Relations for First Responders to learn more about communicating effectively with the media.

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